IGCSE Physics Cambridge

General Physics

02 Speed, Velocity and Acceleration

  1. Distance and Displacement
  2. Speed and Velocity
  3. Acceleration
  4. Equations of Uniform Acceleration
  5. Distance-Time Graph (s-t Graph)
    1. Analysing s-t Graph
    2. Finding Velocity From s-t Graph
  6. Speed-Time Graph
    1. Analysing Speed-Time Graph (v-t Graph)
    2. Finding Acceleration From v-t Graph
    3. Finding Distance From v-t Graph
  7. Free Falling Body
    1. The Motion Graphs of Free Falling Body
    2. Projectile

03 Mass and weight

  1. Mass (Definition, Measurement, Resistance to Motion)
  2. Weight as a Gravitational Force
  3. Mass vs Weight

04 Density

  1. Density
  2. Simple Density Measurement
  3. Principle of Floatation

05 Forces

  1. Effects of Forces
  2. Elasticity (Extension-Load Graph)
    1. Hooke’s Law
    2. Elastic Limit
  3. Newton’s First Law of Motion
  4. Newton’s Second Law of Motion
  5. Newton’s Third Law of Motion
  6. Adding Forces
    1. Triangle Rule
    2. Parallelogram Rule
    3. Friction
  7. Turning effect
    1. Moment
    2. Law of Moment
    3. Applications of the Law of Moment
  8. Conditions for Equilibrium
  9. Centre of Mass
    1. Toppling
    2. Stability
  10. Scalars and Vectors

06 Momentum

  1. Momentum
  2. Principle of Conservation of Momentum
  3. Impulse
  4. Impulsive Force

07 Work, Energy and Power

  1. Forms of Energy
  2. Energy Transfer
  3. Principle of Conservation of Energy
  4. Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy
  5. Energy resources
  6. Advantages and Disadvantageous of Different Sources of Energy
  7. Efficiency
  8. Work
  9. Power

08 Pressure

  1. Understanding Pressure
  2. Pressure in liquid
  3. Simple Mercury Barometer
  4. Manometer




01 Simple Phenomena of Magnetism

  1. Magnets
  2. Magnetic fields
  3. More about magnetic materials

02 Electrical Quantities

  1. Electric charge
  2. Electric fields
  3. Conductors and insulators
  4. Current
  5. Batteries and cells
  6. Potential difference
  7. Resistance
  8. Electromotive force
  9. Electrical energy
  10. Electrical power

03 Electric Circuits

  1. Circuit diagrams
  2. Series and parallel circuits
  3. Finding resistance in a circuit
  4. Finding current in a circuit
  5. Finding potential difference in a circuit
  6. Action and use of circuit components
  7. Digital electronics
  8. Sensor circuits
  9. Switching circuits
  10. Time-delay circuits
  11. Logic circuits
  12. Logic circuits in control

04 Dangers of Electricity

  1. Electrical safety
  2. More about electrical safety

05 Electromagnetic Effects

  1. Magnetic field patterns
  2. Electromagnetic induction
  3. a.c. generator
  4. Transformer
  5. High voltage transmission of electricity
  6. The magnetic effect of a current
  7. Force on a current carrying conductor
  8. d.c. motor

06 Cathode-ray Oscilloscopes

  1. Cathode rays
  2. Cathode-ray oscilloscope